Thursday, April 25, 2013

Wednesday Recap

After arriving in St. Louis, the pit crew headed straight for the dome.  They were able to get everything assembled and have 6 hours this morning to work out some minor issues and get inspected.

The rest of the team checked into the hotel drove into St. Louis.  Unfortunately the workshop we wanted to attend was at capacity so we ended up watching the opening ceremonies for FLL (FIRST Lego League).  It's great to see the young ones being excited and having fun.

Late dinner at Steak "N Shake and lights out.

I'll try to put an update later this morning.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

St. Louis Here We Come!

On the plane to St. Louis.  Team 195 is on the plane with us.

The Night (well the morning) Before The Championship

Up early preparing for our flight to St. Louis.  We took our tools, spare parts, and improved shooter up to SPAM in Stuart yesterday.  They are making the trip via charter bus and graciously offered to transport our things.

We get in St. Louis at 3:30PM.  Mr. Cosme, Joel, Josh, Cory and Daniel will immediately head to the Dome and begin putting Sonny together.  They'll also have Thursday morning to get it ready.

Qualifying matches start Thursday afternoon at 1PM.  FIRST has released a preliminary match list which you can find here.  When the page loads, search for "1251".  Use the match number as a reference to determine if the field is on schedule.  Remember, this is a preliminary list, it could change.  I will post a follow-up to confirm this is good.  If it does change, I will send the new one.

The webcast can be found here.  Click on the "Newton" field icon to watch the action.  The links aren't live yet and the names will appear when they do go live.

I will give a recap of the days events each evening so check back then.

Wish us luck!